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the characteristics of men sholeh fall in love

the characteristics of men sholeh fall in love

The feeling of love is a nature that exists in humans. In every human heart there must be a feeling of love embedded. Both a mother's love for her child and vice versa, brother's love for his sister and vice versa, husband's love for his wife and vice versa and more. God implanted those feelings so that we love each other. There is nothing wrong when we admire someone even loves him. However, each person is different in expressing their feelings. Some stated directly, there were also those who harbored their feelings because they might fear that what they felt was not avenged.

In this article, we will discuss how the characteristics when a pious man falls in love? To find out more please see the characteristics of pious men fall in love below:

1. Getting Closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
    When a pious man falls in love, he will draw closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. He realized, only God can turn a human heart upside down. Then he will always pray to God so that all his affairs, including matters of his feelings, will be facilitated.

In addition, he will be careful in controlling his feelings because he is afraid that the feeling of his love is a wrong feeling and does not want his love for God's creatures to exceed his love for God.

He will also be more solemn in his worship, prayer, fasting and other worship solely Lillahi Ta'ala. As according to the word of Allah in the Surah Al-An'aam verse 162:

"Verily, my prayers, my worship, my life and my death, are all for Allah the Lord of the worlds." (Surat al-An'am [6]: 162)

2. He Will See Guardians Of Women Loved Directly To Preach
    A pious man, when he falls in love with a woman, he will go to the woman's father or guardian to immediately preach it. Because men who are pious understand well that in Islam there is no term dating. He will always remember the word of God as stated in Surah Al-Isra 'verse 32 which means:

"Do not approach adultery, because it is a heinous act and the worst way." (Surat al-Isra ’: 32)

A pious man will always obey Allah and always obey His commands including the prohibition of not taking shortcuts through courtship when he feels in love.

3. He Will Control His Feelings and Desires If Not Yet Able To Marry the Woman He Loves
    A pious man will always control all the feelings that exist in his heart. Good when he is angry, disappointed, sad, even when he is in love. As explained in point number two, when a pious man falls in love he will immediately meet the guardian of the woman he loves to preach.

Then what if he hasn't been able to get married? Not yet old enough for example or may not be able to provide. Then he will control his feelings and passions so that things don't happen that are not in Allah's favor.

"There is no faith in one of you so he makes his passion follow what I bring (Islamic teachings)." (HR. Hakim)

4. Avoiding Bad Acts and Words
     A good man will never do bad or bad deeds and words. He will always maintain good relations with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and with fellow human beings. The point is not only when he falls in love, but in his daily life he will always do good.

"The most perfect faith among you is the most moral. And the best among you is the best to his wives. "(HR. Turmudzi)

5. Always Keep a Promise and Never Waste - Time
    When a pious man falls in love, he will never waste time and will always keep his promises. Because he was aware of the law of breaking promises in Islam, and felt time was very valuable and so important that even the Prophet had mentioned it like this:

"Life before death, young before old, healthy before coming ill, free before narrow and rich before poor."

6. Attention and Responsibility
    Basically every person who has feelings, then the attention will be even deeper. It is no different when pious men experience it, because pious men are equally human. And he will be more responsible for what he does including knowing full well about the responsibility of boys towards mothers. Likewise for someone he loves, he will give more attention.

7. Will Be More Soft-tempered
   In daily life a pious man does have a good and gentle temperament. He will show the temperament in front of everyone including those he loves. As the saying of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam,

"Surely softness accompanies something so he will decorate it and not the softness is removed from something, but will further aggravate it." (HR. Muslim)

8. Protection and Sponsorship
    A pious man has a manly and caring nature. Not only those he loves, he will show it to anyone. But he will show his attitude more to the people he loves, he will protect and care for the woman he loves.

9. Will give all his attention and behave with authority
    Furthermore, pious men have extraordinary attention to anyone. Especially if he falls in love he will exert all his attention and will give what he has. Although like that he is still authoritative so that others will be reluctant to him.

10. Has gentle nature
    He will show his gentle attitude. He is so firm but still displays the figure of tenderness. Especially if he has dropped his heart to a woman who he thinks is good for him and his religion, then he will be gentle and will make the woman he loves feel flattered.

11. Be more patient and forgiving
    He will be more patient and try to understand how to increase patience in Islam with everything that happens to him. He realized, humans do have the right to dream but God is the best decision maker. And he will forgive all the events he did not expect. Whatever mistakes made by the people he loves he will easily forgive him.

12. Its establishment is strong and has a good life principle
     A pious man whose position is very strong. When he starts to fall in love, then he will fight for someone he loves by always mentioning his name in every prayer. He also has a life principle that is so purposeful that he will make the people he loves comfortable.

13. Trustful
     the mandate in Islam are the characteristics of a pious man. When he falls in love, he will carry out what God has commanded with the full mandate. He realized that what he had done during his life was entrusted by God, as well as the people he loved.

14. He Will Keep His Eyes

     For men who are pious eyes are senses that are very influential on his faith. Even when he falls in love, he will keep his eyes on God until the person he loves is lawful for him. Allah says in the An-Nuur verse verse 30 which means:

"Say to men who believe," they should hold back their gaze and maintain their genitals; "that is more sacred to them, surely Allah is All-Knowing what they are doing." (QS An-Nur: 30)

15. Can Control Relationships
    A pious man is very careful about relationships. And when he falls in love, there is no way he will drop his heart on the wrong woman. For that he can maintain relationships with the opposite sex. In contrast to today, everywhere there are many teenagers who fall into promiscuity. But for pious men, when he likes someone he will be more resigned to the Owner of the Heart to be given the best match.

16. Has a Quiet Face and Very Keeping Her Words
     In this day and age, it is very easy for a man to express his feelings of love. Unlike the pious man, he tends to hide his feelings and is only conveyed to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

He could have said it directly, but he was more afraid of God and afraid of hurting the feelings of the woman he loved. A pious man has a very soothing face and will make his loved ones feel calm when looking at him.

17. Inviting the Woman He Loves To Ta'aruf
      In contrast to today's men who if they fall in love will ask for a date. But pious men will invite people they admire to do ta'aruf. Taaruf according to Islam is very different from dating, because Ta'aruf is the process of getting to know each other in Islam and avoiding adultery.

thank you

may be useful:)

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